My grandson was 6 months old when we visited Orlando, Florida. Here are some of the trip and tricks I used to get some great photos of him.
TIP #1 - Get photos of them interacting with the characters
Capture them making eye contact with the characters. This is one of my favorite photos.
Little Man loved touching the fur on the characters. You will see him reach over and touch their furry hands.
Some children may be fearful of the characters. Don't stop taking photos if they cry or make funny faces. Of course, I'm not suggesting that the kids be forced to interact with the characters, I'm saying if they hide behind your legs because they are shy ( like I was) , get that photo. It will be fun for them to look back on when they are older and their girlfriends or boyfriends visit.
With interaction photos, the point is the capture their true reactions, not just the ones that look "good."
TIP #2 - Get more formal character photo shots
Of course, you will want some photos where everyone is looking at the camera.
TIP #3 - Look for interesting backdrops
Look for interesting backdrops for your photos. You don't want all of your photos with everyone standing in the road with part of the park in the background.
This background was very busy so I just pushed his stroller up next to it and made him blend into the picture.
I took several photos of Little Man in front of these books in one of the stores. They had a table set up with coloring pages. Of course, he was too young to color but he was great at tearing the paper. It made a fantastic backdrop so don't overlook anything that would fit with your child.
TIP #4 Take a few posed shots
Try to get some good posed shots. Something more formal where you are focused on the subject and not necessarily the background
Little Man could sit for a few seconds by himself but was subject to falling over at any second. It's great if you can have someone within arms reach to grab if they start to topple over.
This is one of my favorite shots.

You can see the helping hand in this photo that I spoke of earlier. I set my camera to sports mode so I could take a lot of photos quickly.
TIP # 5 - General photos that tell a story.
You want to take photos that tell a story. This is done many times with actions shots. We take photos of our babies when they learn to crawl, take their first steps, and all of their other first. Don't forget to do this while on vacation.
Little Mans first time one a boat. You want to capture all of the first.
Little Man is such a good traveler. I love this photo of him in the airport.
TIP # 7 - Take panoramic and close-up shots
This tip goes back to what I said at the beginning of this post. Take a variety of photos including panoramic and close-ups. This area was so cute that shooting only one style would not do it justice.
Here is a panoramic shot - Isn't it amazing?
Below are some close up shots I took in the same area.
The photo above is my number one favorite photo of the trip. It's not posed or formal but shows a genuine reaction that you can only get in a candid shot. Isn't that the whole point of photography, capturing the moment?
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